Absa Mortimer Harvey

Interactive PDF

This is a Marketing communications tool for the client. The client wanted a simple
tool to explain to the potential clients the benefits for certain Absa products.
I created an interactive pdf with menus and buttons. Since I have introduced
this to the Absa client, we have created dozens more for them.

Digital Campaign

This was done for Mining indaba 2019.
It consisted of:
Homepage take over
Web banners
Programmatic banners
Video stings
Social media
I received the creative from the art director and I had to roll out all the different elements
From TV to social media

This was for the Absa India Africa project. The client wanted to use fireflies from the CIB ad, but they did not have the budget to recreate the fireflies. I recreated the effect of the fireflies from the t.v ad to run on social media and other platforms. 

